Become a Precinct Committeeperson! Be a part of the Democratic Party and GOTV in your neighborhood! We also need volunteers to drop off literature at doors, stuff bags, and/or address mailings. Please help us GOTV in 2022!
WTDO needs funds to continue to get Democrats elected. We are virtually “passing the hat” here! Click below to make a one-time or monthly donation. If you feel more comfortable mailing a check you can send it to
PO Box 224 Warrenville, IL 60555.
Thank you so much!
IMPORTANT UPDATE From the office of State Senator Karina Villa As we transition into the Trump administration, many people are worried and have questions about dealing with immigration officers, or ICE. Below is important information regarding your rights and what to do if you witness or experience interactions with immigration officers. State electeds cannot provide legal advice or assist in completing immigration-related paperwork. However, we can communicate with agencies that can assist on behalf of our constituents as well as keep you informed on your rights and services that can help.
On March 25, 2024 Winfield Township Democratic Organization signed a Resolution calling for a Permanent and Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, Israel, and Palestine
A link to the resolution is here CeasefireMarch252024
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